Development strategy

Eurasian Resource Capital (ERC) Corporate Group unites dozens of diverse companies from different sectors of industry that share common strategic business goals, objectives, principles, and ideological platform.

The Group’s long-term development strategy is formed and delivered through systematic monitoring, research and analysis of global economic trends and prospects of structural changes that affect the market segments in which its companies operate.

In order to ensure further economic growth, optimize financial sustainability, improve operational efficiency and strengthen the leading positions, ERC constantly identifies and corrects the key priority areas on which the main financial and organizational efforts of the Group will be concentrated.

Sustainable development goals and objectives are integrated into the overall business strategy and achieved in the framework of development plans and internal conceptual programs that most rapidly and effectively enhance the capacities and potential of the Group business-activities.

ERC’s development strategy is based on the following fundamentals:

  • Improving the key economic and financial performance indicators, as well as increasing operational flexibility and efficiency;
  • Continuous introduction of organizational and managerial innovations to business processes;
  • Efficient investments portfolio management that promotes long-term sustainable business growth and profitability resilient to economic shocks and business cycles;
  • Boosting resource and production potential;
  • Phased reduction of operational risks and expenses;
  • Strengthening the Group’s positions in the strategic markets, as well as expanding opportunities in related industries;
  • Diversifying sales markets while maintaining the level of economic efficiency of sales;
  • Expansion of presence in promising new import and export markets;
  • Diversification of the product portfolio;
  • Maintaining technological competitive advantages for launching new types of products with improved characteristics;
  • Securing efficient, reliable and uninterrupted goods and services supplies;
  • Full realization of the technical potential and strengthening scientific capacity;
  • Raising the efficiency of existing scientific and technical resources aimed at developing and implementing innovative technologies and technical solutions;
  • Integrated management, protection and commercialisation of intellectual property objects.

ERC’s development strategy serves as a compass for internal managerial operations that shape business in the long-term and also serves as the basic standard against which the Group weighs all its decisions and actions to continue achieving sustainable, inclusive and high-quality growth.