Eurasian Resource Capital (ERC) Corporate Group is considering the development of the innovative activity and advancement of its scientific-intellectual and technological potential as the most highly prioritized activity areas.

The Group’s strategic initiatives focus on researching, developing and implementing innovative energy efficient and energy saving technologies and technical solutions, which will help dramatically improve the efficiency of technological processes in different areas of the industrial and energy sectors.

To achieve the strategic goal, ERC systematically increases the capacity of internal R&D infrastructure through raising the efficiency of its existing scientific and technical resources, constantly tests new high-performance technologies, takes an active part in international scientific & technical conferences, and also collaborates with leading universities and scientific-research institutes to generate synergies.

One of the most important competitive advantages of ERC Corporate Group is its internal scientific and research & development resources, that allows to transform its scientific ideas into pioneering solutions and advanced highly effective innovative methods and tools.

ERC has an extensive strategically oriented portfolio of innovative projects which are at different stages of development – from experimental and theoretical studies to full implementation readiness.

The Group employs highly qualified and experienced scientists, researchers, engineers and specialists with in-depth knowledge in different areas of the industrial field.

With a tremendous depth of knowledge, extensive global experience, technical excellence, and innovative solutions, ERC effectively implements complex projects that meet a broad spectrum of customer requirements.

Broad occupational competencies of structural subdivisions allow participating in large-scale industrial and infrastructure projects at all the stages of the value chain.

In its activities ERC pays particular attention to integrated and efficient intellectual property management thus pursuing its policy aimed to innovative development and at the same time improving the key economic and financial performance indicators of the Group.