Eurasian Resource Capital (ERC) Corporate Group places a particular focus on thei mplementation of initiatives in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety.

The Group is strongly committed to environmental sustainability leadership in all of its business activities and strives to continually improving its environmental performance and reducing the potential impacts of its operations through the implementation of environmental management system.

In its activities, the Group follows the international environmental protection initiatives and agreements, strictly adheres to the highest global environmental standards, and conducts systematic work in the field of environmental impact management.

ERC’s environmental policy is aimed at identifying and testing optimal technological solutions, as well as on development of eco-innovation which allow minimizing the impact of the Group’s ongoing business operations on ecosystems in regions of it presence.

The Group’s key principles, goals and aims of environmental policy are:

  • Strict compliance and observance with all the international and industry-specific environmental standards and regulatory requirements;
  • Systematically updating, improving and streamlining of the internal environmental management system for reducing the ecological impact of ongoing business operations across different geographical locations;
  • Responsible fulfillment of approved ecological programs to continuous improvement of environmental performance and achieving the highest environmental standards;
  • Reducing the potential negative impact on the environment through introduction of highly efficient advanced technologies, equipment and materials;
  • Efficient management of potential environmental risks based on modern concepts;
  • Implementation and expansion of comprehensive environmental monitoring and assessment systems at all levels of activity;
  • Rational and efficient use of non-renewable natural resources with a combination of highly efficient tools and methods of their protection;
  • Proper management of hazardous materials and waste including use, handling, storage, and ultimate disposal;
  • Intensive collaboration with all stakeholders in the area of environment protection and progressive expansion the scale of environmental measures.

ERC Corporate Group is deeply aware of its responsibility to protect and preserve the environment for the benefit of present and future generations.