Eurasian Resource Capital (ERC) Corporate Group is deeply convinced that organizational culture is one of the most important factors in the Group’s effective development and an integral component of building a successful business development strategy.

In its operations, the Group adheres to business principles, rules and standards established by competent international organizations.

ERC aims at constantly increasing the efficiency of its administrative and operational processes, using a wide range of mechanisms and forms of cooperation at every level of management.

Development of comprehensive, mutually beneficial and constructive relations with internal and external partners, counterparties and clients is one way to increase the efficiency of the Group’s operations.

ERC Corporate Group operates in strict compliance with all statutory provisions, rules and regulations, in accordance with the principles of fairness, good faith, loyalty and legality, promoting fair competition and paying particular attention to ensuring that all business partners to respect these standards and follow them in the course of their daily business activities.

Code of Business Conduct is the aggregate of the missions, values and a set of guiding principles that govern the Group’s interactions with its employees, clients and counterparties, suppliers of goods and services as well as business partners.

The main initiatives in the field of ERC’s organizational culture include the following:

  • Commitment to the highest standards of business and professional ethics;
  • Honesty and integrity in business operations;
  • Strict observance and compliance with the standards, legal and regulatory requirements applicable in each country where the Group operates;
  • Commitment to the zero tolerance principle to corruption in any of its forms and manifestations at all levels;
  • Adherence to strengthening mutually beneficial long-term cooperation;
  • Compliance with laws, standards and regulations relating to products and services quality and safety management;
  • Realization of social responsibility policy;
  • Development and support of social initiatives that improve the quality of life;
  • Implementation of energy efficiency and resource-saving policies;
  • Enforcement of environmental laws and regulations;
  • Proper management of hazardous materials and waste including use, handling, storage, and ultimate disposal;
  • Compliance with the applicable laws in the area of occupational safety and health;
  • Protection of human rights and enforcement of labour legislation.

During the years of presence in the principal global markets, ERC Corporate Group has established itself as a reliable business partner and supplier, who strictly adheres to the code of responsible business conduct.

Code of Business Conduct Brochure (pdf, 5.13 MB)